


世話人:征矢 英昭

Professor Tso-yin Jen, Ph.D.

Department of Physiology College of Medicine National Cheng-Kung University,Taiwan

Professor Jen specializes in cell biology, cardiovascular physiology and neural physiology. He especially focused on the physiological function of platelets and endothelium in blood vessels and neural functions that related to blood pressure regulation and learning and memory. He already has great achievements on cellular calcium signaling and effects of chronic exercise on atherosclerosis, immune function and apoptosis of leukocytes. Recently, Professor Jen’s research group also discovered important findings on how exercise affects brain functions. Several exciting results that concerning the effects of exercise on neuron morphology and brain functions are already published on Journal of Applied Physiology, PLoS ONE, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory and Journal of Physiology. Professor Jen was awarded by National Science Council of Taiwan for research every year since 1994 and his research group was introduced by several international and domestic media such as The New York Times and Public TV of Taiwan. In this seminar, Professor Jen will talk about his recent achievement on how exercise affects motor functions that related to purkinje cell structure changes in cerebellum and the regulation of blood pressure and learning and memory functions in related brain regions.


